I've always wanted to, actually. Ever since I was a kid and learned how to read, I wanted to create my own book. If you're reading this, then you probably haven't read my first entry about this, since posts are displayed newest to oldest. If you have read it, I am sorry to repeat myself.
It's just that lately, I have been having this nagging feeling that I need to be writing. Not that I should write again, not that it would be kind of nice to be working on a story again, but that I MUST WRITE. I've been taking notes on things unnecessarily, thinking of chapter titles, all sorts of ridiculous things that I have been using like rice cakes to curb my hunger to write.
The only problem is, I have absolutely no idea what to write about. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but it's true. I have discovered that fiction is not my strong point (i.e., my characters all turn out the same and my plots are lame. No one wants to read that.) and have decided to try my hand at non-fiction. I googled 'writing non fiction' to see what kind of stuff I came up with. Most of it was How to Publish Your Nonfiction and articles like that, but I did run across a few helpful hints from seasoned authors. For example, write frequently. Even if you don't feel like writing or have nothing to say, write anyway. That's a good idea, I guess. Hence this blog of me rambling about writing. Another tip suggested that as a writer you should specialize in something and write about that. Think about the things that you are interested in or that you have experienced or a truth that you have discovered and write about that. Unfortunately, I don't think I have anything worth writing about. I'm only in my early twenties, I come from a stable home in a nice town, there's not a whole lot of exciting events in my life. I'm not even out of college yet, I can't say that I am an expert in anything.
And yet, I feel as if my voice needs to be heard and my fingers itch to put words to paper. There has to be something about me that I can write about, something people could relate to and take inspiration from, something that needs to be heard. The hard part is going to be figuring out what that is.
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