
The Meantime

A few weeks ago our Women’s Bible Study threw a bridal shower for a lady from our church. She had been dating a wonderful man from our congregation, and after 40 years of being single she was going to remarry – with her son giving her away and her daughter as her maid of honor. We couldn’t have been happier for her.

As we sat around eating celebratory cake and admiring the blushing bride, one of the older ladies in the group turned to me and the two other young women who were there and said, “We have so many great young people in our church, we need to get them married off! I pray all the time that you all find godly spouses.”

My gut reaction was, “Hallelujah! I’m not the only one praying that I find a nice boyfriend!” But after I got home from the party that night I couldn’t get her comment out of my head. Sure, knowing that someone was praying about me and my future spouse was awesome, but why did I need to get “married off?” What was the rush?

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